Individual and Relationship Therapy                    Telehealth Appointments                      Serving UT, OH, and KY

(385) 469-6273




Treatment Philosophy

My goal is to provide a safe and comfortable space where you are encouraged to be yourself without judgement wherever you are on your journey. 


I ensure that my continuing education in both my personal and professional life highlights new ways to be more inclusive while acknowledging and reducing my own biases.

Therapy is nothing without good rapport between the both of us. I will do my best to bring my genuine and informed self in the room so we can collaborate on what fits you the best during our time together and beyond.  


If this is an emergency, please note that we are NOT an emergency service. 

If you experiencing an emergency or otherwise need immediate attention

 please call 911 or--if you would prefer to not interact with law enforcement-- refer to one of our curated emergency resources.

Service Scope

I do NOT go to court, participate in court-mandated treatment, nor is it within my scope to have an opinion about custody cases.